Call for papers > Thematic workshopsDeadline for submissions (thematic workshops and doctoral workshops): Monday, February 10, 2024. Papers may be submitted to any of the thematic workshops listed below (doctoral workshops and thematic workshops #1 to #21). Alternatively, authors may choose not to direct their papers to a specific workshop, and address them to the #Open Workshop in Public Management, designed to host a variety of papers in public management. The organizers will set up the workshops a posteriori. Doctoral Workshop Workshop #1: Digital organizations in the public sector Workshop #2: Health and Territory Workshop #3: Critical approaches to public management Workshop #4: Controlling and managing paradoxes Workshop #5: Relations between management cases and pedagogy Workshop #6: Initiating, perpetuating and appreciating sustainable dynamics within territories: what modalities for public action? Workshop #7: AI and public management Workshop #8: Do our healthcare organizations produce health inequalities? Workshop #9: Public management in Africa Workshop #10: Public management of school and university organizations between tradition and innovation Workshop #11: Finance Workshop #12: Training public managers: issues and prospects Workshop #13: Public tourism management: between tradition and modernity Workshop #14: Public service motivation and organizational citizenship behavior: what corporate social responsibility in public organizations? Workshop #15: Human resources and management in public organizations: between tradition and modernity Workshop #16: Public management and territorial resilience Workshop #17: The DONUT, the future of territorial foresight? Workshop #18: The making of public management Workshop #19 : Building contract research projects in public management Workshop #20: Value and values of public action Workshop #21 : Social & Solidarity Economy and Public Action: what contribution(s) can the SSE make to responsible public management? Workshop #Open in public management |
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